Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Bloggers Weekend in Review

This was my very first Bloggers Meetup ever!  It was such an amazing time.  It was great to meet some of the individuals that I treasure.  I took this shot of Deanna Jump because…...well, she’s awesome! 

We met in grade level teams to pass our teacher tool gift.  Mine was awesome!  We all sat in a big circle and got to hear why that person picked those items to put in their gift. 

We also got to pick sessions to sit in and to learn from the experts.  My favorite was sitting with Greg from thekindergartensmorgasboard.  One tip that has stuck with me is to allow one day for school planning.  I am trying to follow this tip. 

We also received some amazing goodies from some amazing companies that were extremely generous to this event.  A big shout out to Teachers Pay Teachers for all their support!  I am forever grateful to them and will continue to sponsor them as much as I can.
Plus I won a set of Hand-e-Sacks for my classroom!!

At the Teacher Blogger PJ party that was sponsored by GoNoodle we got crazy with props as well as decorating pillow cases!  We were happy to hang out and to chat. 

 We each got to pick a business card of a fellow blogger to whom we will keep in touch with during the year.  While we were picking my TPT cha-ching went off!!!  It was quite hilarious since it hasn't been working for many teachers!!!  Everyone busted out laughing!!!

Overall it was an amazing time with fellow teachers.  I can’t wait until next year!!!


Spring Teacher Blogger Meet-up Weekend in Review

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post! I am SO glad you came to the meet-up! I loved your positive and fun spirit! Looking forward to next year's event already! GREAT meeting you!
