Monday, November 2, 2015

Back at It!!

Hello Friends!  
I have been on hiatus this fall.  I have changed schools this fall.  I currently teach at the Hawthorn School of Dual Language.  It has always been a dream of mine to go back to where I first began.  When I started my teaching career, I taught Dual Language (English/Spanish) and I have always wanted to return but have been scared to leave the comfort of what I knew.  But I went out into the waters and found the most perfect job.  I have an amazing team that I work with and even though I miss my old school, I am super happy.  It has been tough teaching in two languages but it’s such an awesome challenge.  I have been able to celebrate events from the Mexican culture that I haven’t had a chance to do before.  
My classroom was a mess when I first went in. There were boxes on top of more boxes.  I didn't think that the room would ever be ready for students and parents.  But with my family’s help the room transformed into a beautiful learning space for students.  

We quickly began learning how to best pick books that “fit us”.  We did a lesson using each other’s shoes to find that “right fit” book.  The kids had a fun time and the laughter was so awesome!

We learned how to read a chart using our classmate’s names.  They thought it was really cool to see who had the most letters in their first names!  

On September 16, we celebrated Mexican Independence Day with the class.  We made a book and listened to some Mariachi music!  The kids loved it!!!

To celebrate Red Ribbon Week, we got to wear pajamas to school.  I took full benefit of this and wore my brand new Star Wars jammies.  I also had a district workshop that day after school and I still wore them!!!  

I shall return!  May the Force be with you!!!